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402 Overton Street
Newport, KY, 41071
United States




Reserve your private visit at Mansion Hill Bridal for an unparalleled wedding dress shopping experience!

We strive to help every bride-to-be find her dream wedding dress, while providing a very memorable and stress-free experience! We pamper our brides with spacious fitting rooms, private seating areas, professional one-on-one bridal stylist expertise, champagne and personalized photo ops. We offer a fashionably curated collection of made-to-order wedding dresses, veils and bridal accessories!



The Boutique


Mansion Hill Bridal opened their doors in February of 2019 in the heart of the East Row Historic District in Newport, KY. The beautiful bridal boutique creates an elegant and glamorous backdrop for an intimate, personalized and exciting wedding dress shopping experience!

402 Overton Street
Newport, KY 41071

Open by-appointment only during the following hours:

Sunday 11:00am-4:00pm, Monday-Friday 10:00am-6:00pm, Saturday 9:00am-6:00pm



In an urban neighborhood comprised of both residential homes and businesses, like the one in which Mansion Hill Bridal is located, parking can be limited at times! The boutique is located on a residential parking permit block with street parking only.

They are able to offer 2-hour parking spaces adjacent to the boutique on E 4th Street that are first come first served. In the event that the 2-hour parking spaces are full, please park at the Water Tower Square Parking Lot located just one block south from the boutique. The entrance is located off Washington Avenue between 5th and 6th street. The designated parking spaces are located in the very back left corner of the parking lot with signage.

Claire, Owner

Claire founded Mansion Hill Bridal in 2019 and has worked in the bridal industry for 7+ years. It was her lifelong dream to own and operate her own boutique! She is passionate about supporting small businesses and promoting other women-owned businesses.